Parrots of the Caribbean

Too many choices for this little batch of photographic nonsense, but “Parrots of the Caribbean” wins it over “Are you lookin’ at my bird?”, but only just. It’s stretching the point a bit, given that there’s a hint of snow in the background (it’s about two meters deep, as it happens), but why spoil the party with trifling details like the truth.

They are parrots, but obviously not from the Caribbean. They are the world’s only alpine parrot and they’re cheekier than a bag of monkeys. They’ve been known to let the air out of a car tyre, steal mobile phones, rip windscreen wipers from cars and they have destroyed the padding on the seats of a number of the chairlifts in a devastating trail of wonton destruction.

In short, they are the Scousers of the bird world, and that’s what makes them so lovable.

Ski trip, Porters, New Zealand, August 2008

They are a decent size, too. We’ve seen a few of them now and they seem to exist on a diet of chips and pies (bloody hell, all they need is the tracksuits, you know what I mean?) and they can make a right mess of the car. Their numbers are in decline and that’s a real shame, because they are fascinating to watch (when it’s somebody else losing things from their rucksacks, that is).

Ski trip, Porters, New Zealand, August 2008

Is it just me, or does he look like he’s crossing his legs, desperate for the loo, or what? Must be the cold or something.

Ski trip, Porters, New Zealand, August 2008

This was the view back from Porter’s Ski Field in Canterbury, probably the closest of the ski fields to Christchurch, not much more than an hour and twenty from home and quite a nice ski field, but since we were there on a Sunday, it was too busy for our liking. The thing is, the lift queues were the problem, the slopes were empty. Big field, crap lifts.

Ski trip, Porters, New Zealand, August 2008

As you can see, the slopes were nice and empty … still, it would be a great place to visit during the week when everybody’s at work.

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