Archive for October, 2007

Moving Target

Friday, October 26th, 2007

Hmmm, that didn’t last long, eh ?

I spent almost eight years shuffling bits of paper in Brussels, but have not even managed two weeks in Auckland. The big question would have to be “what’s wrong with Auckland ?” and I’d struggle to answer anything other than it’s flat. But then again, so was pretty much all of Belgium …

Auckland is a great city. It’s clean, safe, warm, very friendly and has plenty to offer in terms of entertainment, food etc. It even has a nice waterfront and clean water, just like Liverpool (in the 1700s). The problem was that the job was in the north, the scenery was to the south of Auckland and that’s just too far to commute. So, we’re off again.

We’re heading towards Wellington and then on to the South Island. While we’re down there, we’re gonna catch up with Martin and Padraig, who are heading off on a little adventure of their own. Let’s hope it’s a little less eventful than the last leg of Martin’s travels where he managed to lose his passport.

I narrowly missed the chance to get the old barnet cut, so will travel south in full boufant glory.

Till soon …